Deer Permit: Check out this Map from the DNR on getting your Deer Permit!
Season: For Deer hunting season, and Regulation check out the DNR website here
Where to Hunt
There are literally hundreds of wildlife management areas and waterfowl production areas in the region that are all open to public hunting. For more information on wildlife management areas and waterfowl production areas click here.
The new Walk-In Access program offers over 75 different walk in access points in Southwest Minnesota. Check out Southwest Minnesota’s WIA points here.
Overall Southwest Minnesota is home to 9 counties that host 9700 Acres of Public Hunting Land, including 340 Wildlife Management areas, 75 Walk in Access points and over 50 dog friendly hotels & Campgrounds.
Turkey Hunting
The restoration of the wild turkey over the past 25 years is one of Minnesota’s greatest conservation success stories. Once rare, today wild turkeys are becoming a common sight throughout southern and western and even central Minnesota. The birds, which usually travel in flocks, are often seen in wooded areas next to farm fields and pastures.
Population and management
Minnesota’s wild turkey population is expanding north and west. It has grown from just a few birds in the early 1970s to more than 30,000 today. The state has spring and fall hunting seasons, which have become very popular. Hunting is regulated to allow the wild turkey population to continue growing.
For information on Turkey Hunting Licenses click here